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2013 · 美国 · · 详情


Set and filmed in Liverpool, This City is Ours is the story of Michael, a man who for all of his adult life has been involved in organised crime, working for his friend and the gang leader Ronnie. When Ronnie begins to hint at retirement, Michael too begins to imagine another life. Because, for the first time in his life, Michael is in love. For the first time in his life, he sees beyond the day-to-day, he sees a future something to win and something to lose - Diana.  This City is Ours is the story of Michael and Diana's love affair, set against the disintegration of Michael’s crime gang. For years, together with Ronnie, Michael has successfully been bringing cocaine into the City and beyond, directly from Columbia; but when a shipment goes missing, he knows their Kingdom is under attack.  This City is Ours explores what happens when Ronnie’s son Jamie decides he wants to inherit their kingdom and that there is no longer a place for Michael at the table. Both Michael and Jamie have bold ideas to modernise the gang and they will battle for control of it. But Michael’s biggest battle will be to save the woman he loves and the child he has always wanted.  This is a story about family, and love destroyed and corrupted by ambition, pride and greed. It’s a story about power what we will do to secure and keep it.
CBS电影改篇剧《反恐特警组 S.W.A.T.》改篇自2003年同名电影(那电影其实又改篇自1975年的同名剧集),《反恐特警组》由Sony Pictures TV与CBS TV Studios合作制片,执行制片包括Shawn Ryan﹑Neal H. Morit z﹑ 林诣彬﹑Aaron Rahsaan Thomas。  《反恐特警组》由Aaron Rahsaan Thomas编剧﹑林诣彬执导,剧集指会是紧张﹑动作十足的程序剧,讲述一位黑人特警组警督Daniel ‘Hondo’ Harrelson,得分开自己对街头的忠诚及对自己同僚的责任感下,管理一支训练有素,但又被遗弃的新部队,而他们将成为洛杉矶对付罪犯的最后防线。  在上季离开了《犯罪心理 Criminal Minds》的Shemar Moore饰演上述角色Daniel ‘Hondo’ Harrelson,而且他亦会成为剧集的制作人之一。Stephanie Sigman饰演有野心及严谨的Jessica,在反恐特警组总部中赢得高阶位置。  Lina Esco饰演Chris,充满胆量的他是个熟练的警官,在受压下仍然十分冷静。她对特警组领导突然离开及权力的转变而感到不满,但Chris不会消极多久,因为任务才是唯一要紧之事。Kenny Johnson饰演Luca,擅长驾驶及搏斗,这工作就是他的生活,幷且也是他的乐趣来源;跟随命令的Luca不会有质疑,这点对这支高效队伍十分重要。  Jay Harrington饰演绰号Deacon的David Kay,冷静﹑能干﹑经验丰富的他是特警组的警官,原本已准备好接下领导的位置,但在看似是政治原因的缘故下,Daniel成了这特警组的新领导。不过当他得到另一个可以带领自己队伍的机会时,他则挣扎于究竟应该选择晋升,还是忠于他原来的队友。该角在电影中由LL Cool J饰演。澳洲演员Alex Russell加盟饰演Jim Street.,自大﹑活在刀口上的家伙,脱缰野马似的他因为从不考虑安全,让他在特警组名声远播。另外他是Hondo队伍最新的成员。  David Lim饰演Victor Tan,他是反恐特警组的新成员,不过他未来到洛杉矶警局前,已在好莱坞分部打响自己名堂。擅长行动的他在社区里有着秘密线人,他们的情报可以帮助Hondo及其他特警组成员追捕罪犯。Peter Onorati将饰演Jeff Mumford,好斗﹑自信的他领导10-David这支特警组,他们跟Hondo及其队员有着良性竞争的关系。
《超感警探》由获得金球奖提名的Simon Baker饰演Patrick Jane。在此片中Patrick Jane 是一名加利福尼亚调查局(CBI)的独立咨询师,凭借超然卓绝的观察能力破获了多个重大罪案,取得了辉煌战绩。但在局里,由于无所顾忌的我行我素和以前火热一时的明星灵媒经历,Jan可谓是声名狼籍,没什么好口碑。当然,他现在肯承认那些超能力都是他装出来的了。虽然Jane在破获一系列难度高、影响大的案件中所起的作用获得了同事们的高度评价,但是,严谨的高级警探Teresa Lisbon却一点也不想自己的团队里有他这个人,她对此毫不隐瞒而且身体力行,尽管如此,她还是不得不承认他确实对破案有帮助,可承认归承认,承认的同时,她仍然会毫不留情的对他的做秀,自恋和危险的缺乏约束进行狂轰乱炸。上司如此,下属也是一样,Lisbon的团队,警探Kimball Cho,,Wayne Rigsby和菜鸟Grace Van Pelt都认为Jane 是一个危害团队的无缰之马,但同时又都对他的魅力和办案的能力赞叹不已。