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2015 · 美国 · · 详情


Filming has begun on the third series of popular detective drama McDonald Dodds starring Tala Gouveia and Jason Watkins in the lead roles.    The latest series sees Claire Skinner (Outnumbered) join the cast as Chief Superintendent Ormond.    Reuniting DCI McDonald, played by Tala Gouveia, and DS Dodds, played by BAFTA award winner actor Jason Watkins, season three of the Bath set detective series consists of four standalone films.    Lily Sacofsky returns as DC Milena Pachiowski with Danyal Ismail joining the cast as DC Martin Malik  Speaking about her role in the new series, Claire Skinner, said I'm a huge fan of McDonald Dodds so I'm delighted to be joining the cast as Chief Superintendent Ormond. Ormond is a quietly intimidating character so she'll be keeping McDonald Dodds on their toes throughout this new series.    In the first film, Belvedere, a young woman is found dead sitting in a deckchair in broad daylight in one of Bath’s most beautiful and populated parks. Why did this woman die with a smile on her face    Guest cast members starring in the first film include Alan Davies (Jonathan Creek), Holly Aird (Waking The Dead), , Catherine Tyldesley (Coronation Street) and Dame Siân Phillips (I, Claudius).  The series was commissioned for ITV by Polly Hill and Huw Kennair Jones and will be produced by Rebecca Davies. Executive producers are Damien Timmer and creator and lead writer Robert Murphy. Robert Murphy has written films one and four, Robert Drummond has written film two and Kam Odedra has written film three. Directors are Robert Quinn, Isher Sahota, Ian Aryeh and Sasha Ransome.  McDonald Dodds is produced by leading independent production company Mammoth Screen, co-produced by BritBox North America, and created by Robert Murphy. Series two achieved consolidated ratings of 6.7m.    The first and second series are available to view via streaming platform Britbox North America. ITV Studios will distribute the drama internationally.  Mammoth Screen is one of the UK’s leading production companies. Past and forthcoming shows include The Serpent for BBCNetflix, Noughts Crosses, World on Fire and Grime Kids for the BBC, Why Didn’t They Ask Evans for Britbox and Endeavour and The Tower for ITV.  Mammoth Screen is an ITV Studios Company.
在本季中,Tim Speedle离开了,而新人Ryan Wolfe则加入了小组。  Horatio Caine:David Caruso饰演,是迈阿密达德郡犯罪实验室的组长,曾经是拆弹小组的警官,现在是监识分析师。  Calleigh Duquesne:Emily Procter演,弹道科学家,出生于路易西安那州达尼尔(Darnell),西班牙语十分流利,曾在图兰大学(Tulane University)获得物理学学士学位。  Eric Delko:Adam Rodriguez饰演,指纹与药品辨识专家,土生土长于迈阿密,曾在迈阿密大学获得化学学士学位。父亲俄罗斯人,母亲古巴人,所以西班牙语和俄语都很流利。当情况需要时,达可在小组里通常是扮演蛙人的角色。  Alexx Woods:Khandi Alexander饰演,迈阿密达德郡的验尸官。她有一个古怪的习惯就是在验尸的时候跟尸体讲话,通常是想要让死者死后可以更为安详。  Ryan Wolfe:Jonathan Togo饰演,是一个想进入真实鑑识工作的基层巡逻员警。他了解到自己永远无法取代史毕的地位,只能尽力地成为小组的一员。沃夫首次出现在“Under the Influence”这一集,不过直到“Hell Night”这一集之后才变成常态演出。  Yelena Salas:Sofia Milos饰演,一个常常跟CSI一起调查的重案组探员,也是何瑞修弟弟雷蒙的遗孀。
这里是迈阿密,这里是度假胜地,这里有阳光海滩,这里有热辣美女,但在如此美妙的天堂之下却潜藏着罪恶的地狱,小纠小纷、勾心斗角演化成一发不可收拾的杀人惨剧。  在这个热带城市,有着这样一个团队,他们严谨敬业,他们辛勤客观,他们由鉴证人员,验尸官,调查员等各方面的专家组成,出入各个案发现场,用锐利的眼神寻找蛛丝马迹,巧妙利用弹道学、犯罪危险因子学、法医毒理学、DNA鉴定、咬痕与血型分析、齿 、科学、昆虫学、痕迹学和犯罪变态心理学抽丝剥茧,将支离破碎的线索拼凑起来,还原出事实真相。  在这里,可以看到难以触及的专业技术在眼前真实的展示,可以看到CSI探员如何为死者沉冤昭雪,而在如此残酷的罪行背后又掩藏着怎样的故事和动机。这里不同于普通的罪案剧,所有推断均基于最尖端的高科技侦破技术,充满条理的分析让人在信服的同时不禁惊叹科技的神奇魅力。  在将罪犯绳之以法之外,团队成员的私人生活也充满了种种悬疑。Horatio和儿子的关系会有怎样的变化?Jesse的离开是否会影响团队成员的情绪?Eric的归来又是否能带来更高的破案技术?他和Calleigh的感情又将何去何从?其他成员又会遭遇怎样的新挑战?  尽请关注犯罪现场调查:迈阿密篇,让高科技席卷你的大脑。