As "Alone" enters its fourth season, the competition series shakes things up with a new twist: the contestants are dropped off in a remote location as pairs. Seven pairs of family members travel to a rugged region of British Columbia, where they are separated and dropped off miles apart from each other. Each player must navigate the wilderness to locate his or her partner. Once...
Claudia Winkleman returns with the 3rd series of the reality game show. She welcomes a fresh batch of players to a castle in the Scottish Highlands, selects the Traitors and they then meet in the tower to select their first victim.
第1集 恐龙时代 / 大裂变(Part 1: The Big Crash)
第2集 人类时代 / 我的人类星球(Part 2: Human Earth / My Human Earth)
解说:Mark Rossma
Two-part documentary which deals with two of the deepest questions there are - what is everything, and what is nothing?
In two epic, surreal and mind-expanding films, Professor Jim Al-Khalili searches for an answer to these questions as he explores the true size and shape of the universe and delves into the amazing science behind apparent nothingness.
The first part, Everything...